The Flag Program is the largest and most important fundraiser for Troop 719 . Each Troop 719 family should take a minimum of 1 route on 2 different flag deployment dates per year. Families can take more than 2 deployments if desired. Families have used funds from this program to pay for high adventure trips, summer camp fees, winter camp fees as well as troop dues. Typically, flags are put out the day before the flag deployment day and picked up the flag deployment day after the flag day. Exact deployment dates will not be determined until our fundraising partners at Troop 707 generate the Sign Up Genius forms (Troop 707 organizes the flag program). Deployments are typically within a day or two of the dates listed below. If you have any questions about this page, please contact
Step 1) Put ONLY your Scouts last name in the minimum of 2 flag day deployments in the table below. When you sign up, your family is responsible for both parts of flag day: setting out and picking up the flags. Replacement means your family is available to take a route if someone cancels. DO NOT FILL IN REPLACEMENT UNTIL ALL ROUTES ARE FILLED. The sheet below is for Troop 719 to get organized ahead of when the Sign Up Genius forms are generated by Troop 707. Add ONLY your Scout’s last name to the table below.
Step 2) When the Sign Up Genius for each flag day has been created, you will then need to add you and your Scout’s name to the Sign Up Genius. The Troop flag coordinator will send you a reminder to do that once the Sign Up Genius is available.