Summer Camp 2024
Troop 719 will be going to Summer Camp 2024 at Camp Constantin from June 16 to 22, 2024. If you need to reach the Troop during the week of Summer Camp, please contact Paul Dybala at 214-755-2239. Listed below are details regarding Summer Camp.
Required Forms
Scouts must have a current medical form to attend Summer Camp. Return completed medical forms to the Scoutmaster. When medical forms are returned, make sure to include a copy (back and front) of the health insurance covering the Scout. Here are the medical forms.
Without a current medical form your Scout will not be allowed to attend Summer Camp.
Please complete Parts A, B and C. Part C is to be completed and signed by a medical provider. Make sure Part C is signed and dated.
The BSA requires medical forms for all Scouting activities.
If you have any questions about the medical form, please visit
When you return your medical forms, please include a copy of the health insurance card, back and front, that covers the Scout. If you do not have this, please tell this when you submit the medical forms.
Circle Ten will be conducting a Scout cowboy action shooting program. In this program, Scouts will shoot a rifle, pistol, and shotgun under the supervision of an NRA Range Safety Officer and NRA certified instructors. Scouts must be 14 or 13 and have completed the 8th grade to participate. Your Scout will not be able to participate without this form. You can return this in advance or bring it the day the Troop departs for camp. Here is the Cowboy Action Form.
Pre-Summer Camp Information
Summer Camp is held at Camp Constantin. The address of Camp Constantin is:
3003 Park Road 36
Graford, TX 76449
Here is a map of Camp Constantin.
Paul Dybala will be the adult in charge for Troop 719 during Summer Camp. To reach Pete, call or text him at the number at the top of this page.
The Troop is fortunate to have such a great Summer Camp so close. Summer Camp is organized and run by Circle 10. Circle 10 discourages the use of mobile phones and other electronics. The Troop will not check for mobile phones, but they are to be kept and used only in tents. Here is Circle 10 statement of phones and personal possessions.
Two items are most important for Summer Camp: foot locker and cot. A chair also is a necessity. Circle 10 has provided a list of items to pack for Summer Camp. Please note this is a suggested list and not all items are necessary. Here is the list of items.
Parents are responsible for picking up Scouts on June 22nd at Camp Constantin and departing by 10 AM.
During Summer Camp
Here is the daily schedule. Here is a weekly schedule. Here is a detailed list of activities.
As of today, a Parent/Family Night has not been scheduled this year.
Flip flops and similar shoes are not allowed at Summer Camp. Make sure all shoes are not open-toed. Circle 10 recommends (but not requires) aqua-shoes for lakefront activities.
Hammocks are optional but can be used at Summer Camp. Hammock are to be mounted no higher than a Scout is tall. Do not mount hammocks on top of each other. Hang them from trees only, using straps to not damage trees. Do not mount hammocks inside tents.
Thursday: Brotherhood candidates meet after lunch to review requirements & paperwork. For
Brotherhood and ceremony days and times, check with your Camp Chief.